Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dear Placement Officer...

Evaluations required to become an Invitee:

DentalComplete. Peace Corps has completed your dental review. There are no dental holds on your account at this time.

LegalThere are no legal holds on your account at this time.

MedicalComplete. A decision has been reached regarding your medical review. Please look for a letter in the mail.

PlaceThere are no placement holds on your account at this time.

I love surprise toolkit updates when I'm not expecting them. I just got the checkmark back on the legal bubble. I'm just waiting on the last and most coveted bubbles of all...the Placement hold bubble. Dear Placement Officer, where art thou? My birthday is on Sunday, Christmas is next month. Is it too much to ask as a birthday wish or Christmas present for an email from my Placement Officer? I think not.

I'll keep you guys posted! Congrats on those of you who recently received nominations, clearances, and invitations!
